Source code for pbpstats.data_loader.data_nba.schedule_loader

``DataNbaScheduleLoader`` loads schedule data for a season and
creates :obj:`` objects for each game

The following code will load schedule data for 2019-20 NBA Regular Season

.. code-block:: python

    from pbpstats.data_loader import DataNbaScheduleLoader

    schedule_loader = DataNbaScheduleLoader("nba", "2019-20", "Regular Season", "web")
    print(schedule_loader.items[0].data)  # prints dict with the first game of the season
import json
import os

from pbpstats import (
from pbpstats.data_loader.abs_data_loader import check_file_directory
from pbpstats.data_loader.data_nba.file_loader import DataNbaFileLoader
from pbpstats.data_loader.data_nba.web_loader import DataNbaWebLoader
from import DataNbaGameItem

[docs]class DataNbaScheduleLoader(DataNbaFileLoader, DataNbaWebLoader): """ Loads source schedule data for season. Games are stored in items attribute as :obj:`` objects :param str league: Options are 'nba', 'wnba' or 'gleague' :param str season: Can be formatted as either 2019-20 or 2019. :param str season_type: Options are 'Regular Season' or 'Playoffs' or 'Play In' :param str source: Where should data be loaded from. Options are 'web' or 'file' :param str file_directory: (optional if source is 'web') Directory in which data should be either stored (if source is web) or loaded from (if source is file). The specific file location will be `data_<league>_<season_year>.json` in the `/schedule` subdirectory. If not provided response data will not be saved on disk. """ data_provider = "data_nba" resource = "Games" parent_object = "Season" def __init__(self, league, season, season_type, source, file_directory=None): self.league_string = league self.season_year = season.split("-")[0] self.file_directory = file_directory self.source = source self._load_data() self._make_game_items(season_type) def _load_data(self): source_method = getattr(self, f"_from_{self.source}") source_method() @check_file_directory def _from_file(self): self.file_path = f"{self.file_directory}/schedule/data_{self.league_string}_{self.season_year}.json" self._load_data_from_file() def _from_web(self): league_url_part = ( NBA_STRING if self.league_string == G_LEAGUE_STRING else self.league_string ) league_part = ( D_LEAGUE_STRING if self.league_string == G_LEAGUE_STRING else self.league_string ) self.url = f"https://data.{league_url_part}.com/data/10s/v2015/json/mobile_teams/{league_part}/{self.season_year}/league/{self.league_id}_full_schedule.json" self._load_request_data() def _save_data_to_file(self): if self.file_directory is not None and os.path.isdir(self.file_directory): file_path = f"{self.file_directory}/schedule/data_{self.league_string}_{self.season_year}.json" with open(file_path, "w") as outfile: json.dump(self.source_data, outfile) def _make_game_items(self, season_type): self.season_type = season_type self.items = [ DataNbaGameItem(game) for item in for game in item["mscd"]["g"] if self._is_season_type(game) ] def _is_season_type(self, game): if game["gid"][2] == "4" and self.season_type == PLAYOFFS_STRING: return True elif game["gid"][2] == "2" and self.season_type == REGULAR_SEASON_STRING: return True elif game["gid"][2] == "5" and self.season_type == PLAY_IN_STRING: return True return False @property def data(self): """ returns raw JSON response data """ return self.source_data["lscd"] @property def league_id(self): """ Returns League Id for league. 00 for nba, 10 for wnba, 20 for g-league """ if self.league_string == NBA_STRING: return NBA_GAME_ID_PREFIX elif self.league_string == WNBA_STRING: return WNBA_GAME_ID_PREFIX elif self.league_string == G_LEAGUE_STRING: return G_LEAGUE_GAME_ID_PREFIX