Source code for pbpstats.resources.enhanced_pbp.field_goal

import math

import pbpstats
from pbpstats.resources.enhanced_pbp import Foul, FreeThrow, Turnover, Violation

[docs]class FieldGoal(object): """ Class for field goal events """ event_type = [1, 2] @property def is_made(self): """ returns True if shot was made, False otherwise """ return self.event_type == 1 @property def is_blocked(self): """ returns True if shot was blocked, False otherwise """ return not self.is_made and hasattr(self, "player3_id") @property def is_assisted(self): """ returns True if shot was assisted, False otherwise """ return self.is_made and hasattr(self, "player2_id") @property def rebound(self): """ returns :obj:`~pbpstats.resources.enhanced_pbp.rebound.Rebound` item for the rebound of the shot, if it was missed, None otherwise """ if not self.is_made and self.next_event.is_real_rebound: return self.next_event return None @property def is_heave(self): """ returns True if shot was a last second heave, False otherwise """ return ( self.distance > pbpstats.HEAVE_DISTANCE_CUTOFF and self.seconds_remaining < pbpstats.HEAVE_TIME_CUTOFF ) @property def is_corner_3(self): """ returns True if shot was a corner 3, False otherwise """ if self.shot_value != 3: return False if not hasattr(self, "locY") or self.locY is None: return False if self.locY <= 87: return True return False @property def distance(self): """ returns shot distance in feet """ if hasattr(self, "locX") and hasattr(self, "locY"): x_squared = self.locX ** 2 y_squared = self.locY ** 2 # unit for distance is off by factor of 10, divide by 10 to convert to feet shot_distance = math.sqrt(x_squared + y_squared) / 10 return round(shot_distance, 1) else: # no coordinates - get shot distance from event description try: return int(self.description.split("'")[0].split(" ")[-1]) except ValueError: return None @property def shot_type(self): """ returns shot type string ('AtRim', 'ShortMidRange', 'LongMidRange', 'Arc3' or 'Corner3') """ if self.shot_value == 3: if self.is_corner_3: return pbpstats.CORNER_3_STRING else: return pbpstats.ARC_3_STRING if self.distance is None: return pbpstats.UNKNOWN_SHOT_DISTANCE_STRING elif self.distance < pbpstats.AT_RIM_CUTOFF: return pbpstats.AT_RIM_STRING elif self.distance < pbpstats.SHORT_MID_RANGE_CUTOFF: return pbpstats.SHORT_MID_RANGE_STRING else: return pbpstats.LONG_MID_RANGE_STRING @property def is_putback(self): """ returns True if shot is a 2pt attempt within 2 seconds of an offensive rebound attempted by the same player who got the rebound """ if self.is_assisted or self.shot_value == 3: return False prev_evt = self.previous_event if prev_evt is None: return False prev_evt_is_shooting_foul = isinstance(prev_evt, Foul) and ( prev_evt.is_shooting_foul or prev_evt.is_shooting_block_foul ) prev_evt_is_goaltend = ( isinstance(prev_evt, Violation) and prev_evt.is_goaltend_violation ) if ( prev_evt_is_shooting_foul or prev_evt_is_goaltend ) and self.clock == prev_evt.clock: # sometimes foul event is between rebound and shot on an and 1 or goaltend is between rebound and made shot event prev_evt = prev_evt.previous_event if prev_evt is None: return False if not hasattr(prev_evt, "is_real_rebound"): return False if not prev_evt.is_real_rebound: return False return ( prev_evt.oreb and prev_evt.player1_id == self.player1_id and prev_evt.seconds_remaining - self.seconds_remaining <= 2 ) @property def is_and1(self): """ returns True if shot was an and 1, False otherwise """ if self.is_make_that_does_not_end_possession: free_throws = [ event for event in self.get_all_events_at_current_time() if isinstance(event, FreeThrow) ] for ft in free_throws: if "And 1" in ft.free_throw_type and ft.player1_id == self.player1_id: return True return False @property def shot_data(self): """ returns a dict with detailed shot data """ team_ids = list(self.current_players.keys()) opponent_team_id = team_ids[0] if self.team_id == team_ids[1] else team_ids[1] shot_data = { "PlayerId": self.player1_id, "TeamId": self.team_id, "OpponentTeamId": opponent_team_id, "LineupId": self.lineup_ids[self.team_id], "OpponentLineupId": self.lineup_ids[opponent_team_id], "Made": self.is_made, "X": self.locX if hasattr(self, "locX") else None, "Y": self.locY if hasattr(self, "locY") else None, "Time": self.seconds_remaining, "ShotValue": self.shot_value, "Putback": self.is_putback, "ShotType": self.shot_type, "ScoreMargin": self.score_margin, "EventNum": self.event_num, "IsAnd1": self.is_and1, } if self.is_made: shot_data["Assisted"] = self.is_assisted if self.is_assisted: shot_data["AssistPlayerId"] = self.player2_id if not self.is_made: shot_data["Blocked"] = self.is_blocked if self.is_blocked: shot_data["BlockPlayerId"] = self.player3_id if self.is_second_chance_event(): prev_event = self.previous_event while not ( hasattr(prev_event, "is_real_rebound") and prev_event.is_real_rebound ): prev_event = prev_event.previous_event shot_data["SecondsSinceOReb"] = ( prev_event.seconds_remaining - self.seconds_remaining ) shot_data["OrebShotPlayerId"] = prev_event.missed_shot.player1_id shot_data["OrebReboundPlayerId"] = prev_event.player1_id if prev_event.player1_id != 0: rebound_shot_type = prev_event.missed_shot.shot_type if ( isinstance(prev_event.missed_shot, FieldGoal) and prev_event.missed_shot.is_blocked ): rebound_shot_type += pbpstats.BLOCKED_STRING elif ( isinstance(prev_event.missed_shot, FieldGoal) and prev_event.missed_shot.is_blocked ): # separate blocked from non blocked because blocked won't have shot clock reset rebound_shot_type = "TeamBlocked" else: rebound_shot_type = "Team" shot_data["OrebShotType"] = rebound_shot_type return shot_data def _check_if_make_ends_possession_when_1_foul( self, foul_event, events_at_shot_time ): """ helper method for determining if made shot ends possession when there was 1 foul at the time of the shot """ foul_team_team_id = foul_event.team_id shooter_team_id = self.team_id if foul_event.is_flagrant: # flagrant foul and 1 if foul_team_team_id != shooter_team_id: return True other_makes_at_time_of_shot = [] for event in events_at_shot_time: if ( isinstance(event, FieldGoal) and event.event_num != self.event_num and event.is_made and self.team_id == event.team_id ): other_makes_at_time_of_shot.append(event) if shooter_team_id != foul_team_team_id: # check FT 1 of 1s at time of shot ft_1_of_1s_at_time_of_shot = [] for event in events_at_shot_time: if ( isinstance(event, FreeThrow) and (event.is_ft_1_of_1 or event.is_ft_1pt) and not event.is_technical_ft ): ft_1_of_1s_at_time_of_shot.append(event) if ( len(other_makes_at_time_of_shot) == 1 and len(ft_1_of_1s_at_time_of_shot) == 1 ): if ( ft_1_of_1s_at_time_of_shot[0].player1_id == other_makes_at_time_of_shot[0].player1_id ): return False elif ft_1_of_1s_at_time_of_shot[0].player1_id == self.player1_id: return True elif len(ft_1_of_1s_at_time_of_shot) > 0: for ft_event in ft_1_of_1s_at_time_of_shot: if ft_event.team_id == shooter_team_id: return True else: # no free throws - check for lane violation and offensive goaltending for event in events_at_shot_time: if isinstance(event, Turnover) and ( event.is_lane_violation or event.is_offensive_goaltending ): return True if isinstance(event, Violation) and event.is_double_lane_violation: return True return False def _check_if_make_ends_possession_when_not_1_foul( self, events_at_shot_time, fouls_at_time_of_shot ): """ helper method for determining if made shot ends possession when there was not 1 foul at the time of the shot """ shooter_team_id = self.team_id if shooter_team_id not in [event.team_id for event in fouls_at_time_of_shot]: ft_1_of_1s_at_time_of_shot = [] for event in events_at_shot_time: if ( isinstance(event, FreeThrow) and (event.is_ft_1_of_1 or event.is_ft_1pt) and not event.is_technical_ft ): ft_1_of_1s_at_time_of_shot.append(event) if len(ft_1_of_1s_at_time_of_shot) == 1: if ft_1_of_1s_at_time_of_shot[0].team_id == shooter_team_id: return True elif len(ft_1_of_1s_at_time_of_shot) > 1: for ft_event in ft_1_of_1s_at_time_of_shot: if ft_event.player1_id == self.player1_id: return True else: opponent_fouls = [ event for event in fouls_at_time_of_shot if event.team_id != shooter_team_id ] if 1 in [event.number_of_fta_for_foul for event in opponent_fouls]: # rarely gets here but it is when there is an and1 and then another foul at the same time # for example a loose ball foul going for the rebound on the FT return True return False @property def is_make_that_does_not_end_possession(self): """ returns True if shot is a made shot that does not end the possession due to a foul, False otherwise """ # check for foul at time of shot fouls_at_time_of_shot = [] # ignore technical fouls and delay of game fouls when getting last foul events_at_shot_time = self.get_all_events_at_current_time() for event in events_at_shot_time: if ( isinstance(event, Foul) and not event.is_delay_of_game and not event.is_technical ): fouls_at_time_of_shot.append(event) if len(fouls_at_time_of_shot) == 1: foul = fouls_at_time_of_shot[0] return self._check_if_make_ends_possession_when_1_foul( foul, events_at_shot_time ) return self._check_if_make_ends_possession_when_not_1_foul( events_at_shot_time, fouls_at_time_of_shot ) @property def event_stats(self): """ returns list of dicts with all stats for event """ stats = [] is_penalty_event = self.is_penalty_event() is_second_chance_event = self.is_second_chance_event() if self.distance is not None: stats += self._get_shot_distance_stat_items() if self.is_heave: stats.append(self._get_heave_stat_item()) team_ids = list(self.current_players.keys()) opponent_team_id = team_ids[0] if self.team_id == team_ids[1] else team_ids[1] if self.is_made and not self.is_assisted: stats += self._get_unassisted_stat_items( is_second_chance_event, is_penalty_event ) elif self.is_assisted: stats += self._get_assisted_stat_items( is_second_chance_event, is_penalty_event ) elif self.is_blocked: stats += self._get_blocked_stat_items( is_second_chance_event, is_penalty_event, opponent_team_id ) else: stats += self._get_missed_stat_items( is_second_chance_event, is_penalty_event ) if self.is_made: # add plus minus and opponent points - used for lineup/wowy stats to get net rating for team_id, players in self.current_players.items(): multiplier = 1 if team_id == self.team_id else -1 for player_id in players: stat_item = { "player_id": player_id, "team_id": team_id, "stat_key": pbpstats.PLUS_MINUS_STRING, "stat_value": self.shot_value * multiplier, } stats.append(stat_item) if multiplier == -1: opponent_points_stat_item = { "player_id": player_id, "team_id": team_id, "stat_key": pbpstats.OPPONENT_POINTS, "stat_value": self.shot_value, } stats.append(opponent_points_stat_item) lineups_ids = self.lineup_ids for stat in stats: opponent_team_id = ( team_ids[0] if stat["team_id"] == team_ids[1] else team_ids[1] ) stat["lineup_id"] = lineups_ids[stat["team_id"]] stat["opponent_team_id"] = opponent_team_id stat["opponent_lineup_id"] = lineups_ids[opponent_team_id] return self.base_stats + stats def _get_shot_distance_stat_items(self): stats = [] if self.shot_value == 2: distance_stat_key = pbpstats.TOTAL_2PT_SHOT_DISTANCE_STRING count_stat_key = pbpstats.TOTAL_2PT_SHOTS_WITH_DISTANCE else: distance_stat_key = pbpstats.TOTAL_3PT_SHOT_DISTANCE_STRING count_stat_key = pbpstats.TOTAL_3PT_SHOTS_WITH_DISTANCE stats.append( { "player_id": self.player1_id, "team_id": self.team_id, "stat_key": distance_stat_key, "stat_value": self.distance, } ) stats.append( { "player_id": self.player1_id, "team_id": self.team_id, "stat_key": count_stat_key, "stat_value": 1, } ) return stats def _get_heave_stat_item(self): if self.is_made: return { "player_id": self.player1_id, "team_id": self.team_id, "stat_key": pbpstats.HEAVE_MAKES_STRING, "stat_value": 1, } else: return { "player_id": self.player1_id, "team_id": self.team_id, "stat_key": pbpstats.HEAVE_MISSES_STRING, "stat_value": 1, } def _get_unassisted_stat_items(self, is_second_chance_event, is_penalty_event): stats = [] stat_key = f"{pbpstats.UNASSISTED_STRING}{self.shot_type}" stats.append( { "player_id": self.player1_id, "team_id": self.team_id, "stat_key": stat_key, "stat_value": 1, } ) if is_second_chance_event: second_chance_stat_key = f"{pbpstats.SECOND_CHANCE_STRING}{stat_key}" stats.append( { "player_id": self.player1_id, "team_id": self.team_id, "stat_key": second_chance_stat_key, "stat_value": 1, } ) if is_penalty_event: penalty_stat_key = f"{pbpstats.PENALTY_STRING}{stat_key}" stats.append( { "player_id": self.player1_id, "team_id": self.team_id, "stat_key": penalty_stat_key, "stat_value": 1, } ) if self.is_putback: stats.append( { "player_id": self.player1_id, "team_id": self.team_id, "stat_key": pbpstats.PUTBACKS_STRING, "stat_value": 1, } ) return stats def _get_assisted_stat_items(self, is_second_chance_event, is_penalty_event): stats = [] scorer_key = f"{pbpstats.ASSISTED_STRING}{self.shot_type}" assist_key = f"{self.shot_type}{pbpstats.ASSISTS_STRING}" stats.append( { "player_id": self.player1_id, "team_id": self.team_id, "stat_key": scorer_key, "stat_value": 1, } ) stats.append( { "player_id": self.player2_id, "team_id": self.team_id, "stat_key": assist_key, "stat_value": 1, } ) if is_second_chance_event: second_chance_scorer_key = f"{pbpstats.SECOND_CHANCE_STRING}{scorer_key}" second_chance_assist_key = f"{pbpstats.SECOND_CHANCE_STRING}{assist_key}" stats.append( { "player_id": self.player1_id, "team_id": self.team_id, "stat_key": second_chance_scorer_key, "stat_value": 1, } ) stats.append( { "player_id": self.player2_id, "team_id": self.team_id, "stat_key": second_chance_assist_key, "stat_value": 1, } ) if is_penalty_event: penalty_scorer_key = f"{pbpstats.PENALTY_STRING}{scorer_key}" penalty_assist_key = f"{pbpstats.PENALTY_STRING}{assist_key}" stats.append( { "player_id": self.player1_id, "team_id": self.team_id, "stat_key": penalty_scorer_key, "stat_value": 1, } ) stats.append( { "player_id": self.player2_id, "team_id": self.team_id, "stat_key": penalty_assist_key, "stat_value": 1, } ) assist_to_key = ( f"{self.player2_id}:AssistsTo:{self.player1_id}:{self.shot_type}" ) stats.append( { "player_id": self.player2_id, "team_id": self.team_id, "stat_key": assist_to_key, "stat_value": 1, } ) return stats def _get_blocked_stat_items( self, is_second_chance_event, is_penalty_event, opponent_team_id ): stats = [] shot_key = f"{self.shot_type}{pbpstats.BLOCKED_STRING}" stats.append( { "player_id": self.player1_id, "team_id": self.team_id, "stat_key": shot_key, "stat_value": 1, } ) block_key = f"{pbpstats.BLOCKED_STRING}{self.shot_type}" stats.append( { "player_id": self.player3_id, "team_id": opponent_team_id, "stat_key": block_key, "stat_value": 1, } ) if is_second_chance_event: second_chance_shot_key = f"{pbpstats.SECOND_CHANCE_STRING}{shot_key}" second_chance_block_key = f"{pbpstats.SECOND_CHANCE_STRING}{block_key}" stats.append( { "player_id": self.player1_id, "team_id": self.team_id, "stat_key": second_chance_shot_key, "stat_value": 1, } ) stats.append( { "player_id": self.player3_id, "team_id": opponent_team_id, "stat_key": second_chance_block_key, "stat_value": 1, } ) if is_penalty_event: penalty_shot_key = f"{pbpstats.PENALTY_STRING}{shot_key}" penalty_block_key = f"{pbpstats.PENALTY_STRING}{block_key}" stats.append( { "player_id": self.player1_id, "team_id": self.team_id, "stat_key": penalty_shot_key, "stat_value": 1, } ) stats.append( { "player_id": self.player3_id, "team_id": opponent_team_id, "stat_key": penalty_block_key, "stat_value": 1, } ) return stats def _get_missed_stat_items(self, is_second_chance_event, is_penalty_event): stats = [] stat_key = f"{pbpstats.MISSED_STRING}{self.shot_type}" stats.append( { "player_id": self.player1_id, "team_id": self.team_id, "stat_key": stat_key, "stat_value": 1, } ) if is_second_chance_event: second_chance_stat_key = f"{pbpstats.SECOND_CHANCE_STRING}{stat_key}" stats.append( { "player_id": self.player1_id, "team_id": self.team_id, "stat_key": second_chance_stat_key, "stat_value": 1, } ) if is_penalty_event: penalty_stat_key = f"{pbpstats.PENALTY_STRING}{stat_key}" stats.append( { "player_id": self.player1_id, "team_id": self.team_id, "stat_key": penalty_stat_key, "stat_value": 1, } ) return stats