Source code for pbpstats.client

Instantiating a ``Client`` object will load data loader objects
for resources specified in settings dict.

The following code will instantiate the client and get Possession data
for game id 0021900001 from files in ``/response_data`` subdirectories

.. code-block:: python

    from pbpstats.client import Client

    settings = {
        "dir": "/response_data",
        "Possessions": {"source": "file", "data_provider": "stats_nba"}
    client = Client(settings)
    game = client.Game('0021900001')
    for possession in game.possessions.items:
import re

import pbpstats.objects as objects
import pbpstats.resources as resources
from pbpstats.data_loader.factory import DataLoaderFactory

DATA_LOADER_SUFFIX = "DataLoaderClass"
PATTERN = re.compile(r"(?<!^)(?=[A-Z])")  # for converting camel case to snake case

[docs]class Client(object): """ :param dict settings: Dict with data that specifies which data loaders should be used. ``dir`` key is optional, but recommended and should point to the directory you have set up that either already contains response data or where you want to store the response data. Other keys in the settings dict should be resources from the :py:mod:`~pbpstats.resources` module and their values should be a dict with ``source`` ('file' or 'web') and ``data_provider`` ('stats_nba' or 'data_nba' or 'live') """ def __init__(self, settings): data_loader = DataLoaderFactory() self.settings = settings self.data_directory = settings.get("dir") self._load_objects() self._load_resources() for resource, value in settings.items(): if resource in data_loader.loaders.keys(): resource_data_loaders = data_loader.get_data_loader( value["data_provider"], resource ) for resource_data_loader in resource_data_loaders: parent_cls_name = resource_data_loader["loader"].parent_object setattr( getattr(self, parent_cls_name), f"{resource}{DATA_LOADER_SUFFIX}", resource_data_loader["loader"], ) setattr( getattr(self, parent_cls_name), f"{resource}{DATA_SOURCE_SUFFIX}", resource_data_loader[f'{value["source"]}_source'], ) setattr( getattr(self, parent_cls_name), resource, self.resource_dict[resource], ) def _load_objects(self): """ loads classes from objects package """ object_dict = dict( [ (name, cls) for name, cls in objects.__dict__.items() if isinstance(cls, type) ] ) for name, object_cls in object_dict.items(): setattr(self, name, object_cls) setattr(getattr(self, name), "data_directory", self.data_directory) def _load_resources(self): """ loads classes from resources package """ self.resource_dict = dict( [ (name, cls) for name, cls in resources.__dict__.items() if isinstance(cls, type) ] )