Source code for

Instantiating a ``Game`` object will load all resources for the ``Game``
object that were set in the settings when the client was instantiated

The following code will instantiate the client and get possession data
for game id 0021900001 from files in ``/response_data`` subdirectories

.. code-block:: python

    from pbpstats.client import Client

    settings = {
        "dir": "/response_data",
        "Possessions": {"source": "file", "data_provider": "stats_nba"}
    client = Client(settings)
    game = client.Game('0021900001')
    for possession in game.possessions.items:
import inspect

import pbpstats.client as client

[docs]class Game(object): """ Class for loading resource data from data loaders with a ``parent_object`` of ``Game`` :param str game_id: NBA Stats Game Id """ def __init__(self, game_id): self.game_id = game_id attributes = inspect.getmembers(self, lambda a: not (inspect.isroutine(a))) data_loaders = [ a for a in attributes if a[0].endswith(client.DATA_LOADER_SUFFIX) ] data_source_map = { a[0].replace(client.DATA_SOURCE_SUFFIX, ""): a[1] for a in attributes if a[0].endswith(client.DATA_SOURCE_SUFFIX) } for data_loader in data_loaders: attr_name = data_loader[0].replace(client.DATA_LOADER_SUFFIX, "") source_loader_cls = data_source_map[attr_name] source_loader = source_loader_cls(self.data_directory) data = data_loader[1](game_id, source_loader) resource_cls = getattr(self, attr_name) setattr( self, client.PATTERN.sub("_", attr_name).lower(), resource_cls(data.items), )