Source code for pbpstats.resources.boxscore.data_nba_boxscore_item

OVERRIDES = {"pid": "player_id"}

[docs]class DataNbaBoxscoreItem(object): """ Class for boxscore items from :param dict item: dict with boxscore stats from response :param int team_id: (optional) team id is not in dict with stats and can be added in here :param str team_abbreviation: (optional) team abbreviation is not in dict with stats and can be added in here """ def __init__(self, item, team_id=None, team_abbreviation=None): self.team_id = team_id self.team_abbreviation = team_abbreviation for key, value in item.items(): setattr(self, OVERRIDES.get(key, key), value) if hasattr(self, "fn") and hasattr(self, "ln"): = f"{self.fn} {self.ln}" @property def data(self): """ returns boxscore data dict """ return self.__dict__